How Many Books Did I Read in 2024?

Last December, I met up with my friend Fabian for coffee. As usual, it wasn’t long before we started talking about books. “Have you set your reading challenge for the next year?” he asked. No, I haven’t, and I won’t. I applaud people for setting such goals, but for me, reading is leisure and pleasure, and […]

Christopher Isherwood – A Meeting by the River

Isherwood’s final novel may not be his most popular, but is well in line with his other works. Part epistolary, part diary fiction centred around sexuality, but this time with religion also thrown in the mix. The titular meeting is between two British brothers in a monastery somewhere between Calcutta and the banks of the Ganges. […]

Donna Summer — Ordinary Girl: The Journey (Book Review)

Autobiography released in conjunction with The Journey compilation album back in 2003. While the CD is a comprehensive summary of Donna’s musical achievements, the book only skims through her career. You’ll either like it a lot or feel disappointed. Depends what you expected in the first place. If it’s candid anecdotes — great, you’ll find […]

Review: Florence Welch – Useless Magic

Florence Welch is praised for expressive vocals, charisma and artistic integrity, but her lyrics don’t often get a lot of attention in reviews. After four acclaimed albums, she gave them all the spotlight in her first book, Useless Magic. The title alludes to prophecies in her songs, which are realized too late to be …useful. […]

Biografie Marleny Dietrich – które z nich polecam?

This post is also available in English: Marlene Dietrich Biographies: Which One to Read?   Równo 30 lat temu odeszła niemiecko-amerykańska aktorka Marlena Dietrich. Jej niezwykła kariera trwała sześć dekad. Wszechstronna i zawsze pracowita, Dietrich grała w filmach i sztukach teatralnych; w Europie i Hollywood; w komediach i dramatach. Występowała w prestiżowych salach koncertowych, jak i […]

Marlene Dietrich Biographies: Which One to Read?

Her amazing career spanned six decades. Hard working and versatile, Dietrich acted in films and theatre plays; in Europe and Hollywood; in comedies and dramas. She performed in prestigious concert halls and on makeshift stages at warfronts. She also made countless music recordings, and even forayed into radio work and writing. Her personal life was […]