Man in green jacket standing sideways to the camera; greenery and a Vincent Van Gogh bust in the background

Vieni con me a Van Gogh Walk nel sud di Londra

Sapevate che 150 anni fa viveva Vincent Van Gogh nel sud di Londra? Ha trascorso un anno tra 1973 e 1974 in una casa in Hackford Road. Oggi funziona come un museo, Van Gogh House. Lo potete visitare e prenotare un tour ogni fine settimana. A 10 minuti da lì si trova Van Gogh Walk […]

Aleks Faust Presents Solo Exhibition Environmental

Aleks Faust is a Russian-born conceptual photographer based in London. This month, I have a pleasure to be curating his FIRST ever solo exhibition at the Tavistock Centre in London. Environmental is a collection of over 20 photographs depicting discarded objects in the streets of London, primarily Hackney and Camberwell. Aleks explores colour matching and […]

Etaoin Shrdlu by Richard Frost – New Exhibition at the Tavistock Centre

This month, I have a pleasure to host artist Richard Frost at the Tavistock Centre. Etaoin Shrdlu is a collection of over 20 works in ink on paper, a visual history of a vanished civilisation, with preserved fragments of its script. I caught up with Richard for a chat just before the private view. His artistic […]

Street name plate saying "Van Gogh Walk, late Isabel Street" on a brick wall surrounded by greenery, with blue sky and white clouds in the background

Vincent Van Gogh’s London: 150 Years On

Which cities spring to mind when you think of van Gogh? Surely the Hague, Paris and various spots in the South of France. But did you know that Vincent spent over a year in South London between 1873 and 1874? A century and a half later, his spirit still marks the local area. I want […]

Francesca Apicella Exhibition at the Tavistock Centre

This December, the Tavistock Centre is hosting an exhibition by Francesca Apicella, featuring her signature vintage-inspired portrait paintings, with a surreal, modern twist. This is my sixth exhibition as the art curator at the Tavi. I was excited that Francesca accepted my invitation, and had a pleasure to chat and learn more about her story. How […]

Tirana, Albania: Quirky Street Art and Non-Existent Gay Scene

Researching Albania, you will repeatedly come across phrases like “underrated destination”, “undiscovered beauty”, or even “Europe’s unpolished diamond”. Sun-craving holidaymakers will love how warm it is, with daytime temperatures staying above 20 °C (68 °F) well into November. Visitors from places like North America and Western Europe will find it very affordable. The non-touristy, local […]

Affordable Art Fair 2015 – My Impression

The Affordable Art Fair is an international contemporary art fair, designed as an alternative to the traditional gallery scene. With a price ceiling of £5,000, it aims to make art accessible for all. For most of us, this can be still out of reach, but why not just visit it as a gallery? Special thanks to The […]

Różowy królik gigant

Ma 60 metrów długości i sześć metrów wysokości. Królik gigant leży sobie w Alpach, na wzgórzu Colletto Fava, na wysokości 1600 metrów. Wygląda jakby spadł na ziemię z kosmosu, zresztą właśnie stamtąd jest dobrze widoczny na satelitarnych zdjęciach. Został stworzony przez wiedeńską grupę artystyczną Gelitin. Po co? Przede wszystkim dla zabawy. Twórcy namawiają turystów do […]