Ile kosztują polskie produkty w UK?

Ile kosztują polskie produkty w UK?

Polacy to od wielu lat najliczniejsza mniejszość narodowa w Wielkiej Brytanii – od 2015 roku nawet na pierwszym miejscu. Nie dziwi zatem spora ilość polskich produktów w brytyjskich sklepach. Już od lat duże supermarkety typu Tesco i Sainsbury’s mają swoje sekcje z jedzeniem z Europy Wschodniej. A w nich – szeroki wybór przeważnie polskich produktów. […]

Moje spotkanie z Elżbietą Dmoch

Moje spotkanie z Elżbietą Dmoch

W latach 70. była jedną z najpopularniejszych wokalistek w Polsce. Jednak ostatnio bardziej kojarzona jest z doniesieniami (często mocno przesadzonymi) na temat stanu zdrowia i rzekomo samotniczego stylu życia. Bo od 20-tu lat Elżbieta nie udziela się w charakterze publicznym i unika uwagi medialnej. Całkiem jak Greta Garbo! Wyjątkiem były tylko dwa zamknięte zloty fanów […]

Review: Florence Welch – Useless Magic

Review: Florence Welch – Useless Magic

Florence Welch is praised for expressive vocals, charisma and artistic integrity, but her lyrics don’t often get a lot of attention in reviews. After four acclaimed albums, she gave them all the spotlight in her first book, Useless Magic. The title alludes to prophecies in her songs, which are realized too late to be …useful. […]

Toyah Live in London 2022: Anthem 40+1 Tour

Toyah Live in London 2022: Anthem 40+1 Tour

Toyah Willcox is in the middle of a tour. Her third tour this year. The ever-busy punk icon is commemorating the 40th anniversary of her breakthrough album Anthem. Albeit more than 41 years after its release, owing to the pandemic. Yesterday’s show in London couldn’t have fallen on a more unfortunate day, plagued by strikes […]

Sky Ferreira Live in London 2022

Sky Ferreira Live in London 2022

It’s been an excruciatingly long wait for the UK fans of Sky Ferreira. The elusive LA singer last performed here back in 2014! This year, she made a comeback as part of Grace Jones-curated Meltdown festival on 16th June. Those who turned up for her 10:30pm gig, tightly filled the Queen Elizabeth Hall in anticipation – […]

Biografie Marleny Dietrich – które z nich polecam?

Biografie Marleny Dietrich – które z nich polecam?

This post is also available in English: Marlene Dietrich Biographies: Which One to Read?   Równo 30 lat temu odeszła niemiecko-amerykańska aktorka Marlena Dietrich. Jej niezwykła kariera trwała sześć dekad. Wszechstronna i zawsze pracowita, Dietrich grała w filmach i sztukach teatralnych; w Europie i Hollywood; w komediach i dramatach. Występowała w prestiżowych salach koncertowych, jak i […]

How Much Did I Spend in Seville, Spain as a Solo Budget Traveller?

How Much Did I Spend in Seville, Spain as a Solo Budget Traveller?

When you repeatedly hear that Seville is “the most beautiful city in Spain”, you can’t help but want to see it for yourself, can you? I went there a bit ad hoc, as an extension of my main trip. But it was great, even if brief and superficial, and very much on a shoestring. Spain […]

Marlene Dietrich Biographies: Which One to Read?

Marlene Dietrich Biographies: Which One to Read?

Her amazing career spanned six decades. Hard working and versatile, Dietrich acted in films and theatre plays; in Europe and Hollywood; in comedies and dramas. She performed in prestigious concert halls and on makeshift stages at warfronts. She also made countless music recordings, and even forayed into radio work and writing. Her personal life was […]

10 Legendary Unreleased Albums Part 2: Jimi Hendrix, Carly Rae Jepsen and More!

10 Legendary Unreleased Albums Part 2: Jimi Hendrix, Carly Rae Jepsen and More!

Adele’s new album is another critical and commercial success, but it was close to nobody hearing it at all. Just before she released 30, the singer considered scrapping the entire material and writing new songs. Fortunately for the fans, the original set was released as planned. But not every album has that much luck, and […]

Tirana, Albania: Quirky Street Art and Non-Existent Gay Scene

Tirana, Albania: Quirky Street Art and Non-Existent Gay Scene

Researching Albania, you will repeatedly come across phrases like “underrated destination”, “undiscovered beauty”, or even “Europe’s unpolished diamond”. Sun-craving holidaymakers will love how warm it is, with daytime temperatures staying above 20 °C (68 °F) well into November. Visitors from places like North America and Western Europe will find it very affordable. The non-touristy, local […]

10 Legendary Unreleased Albums by Amy Winehouse, La Roux, Bowie and More

10 Legendary Unreleased Albums by Amy Winehouse, La Roux, Bowie and More

In an ideal world, an album is composed, recorded and released to anticipating fans. In reality, though, some projects never get to see the light of day, for different reasons, be it the artist’s dissatisfaction with the material or objections from the record label. If they’re lucky, they resurface as bootlegs or ephemeral files knocking […]

My Favourite YouTubers

My Favourite YouTubers

Is TV dead? Not yet, but it will be soon, if you’re asking me. YouTube and Netflix have long taken its place, at least for the majority of the younger demographic. I haven’t owned a TV in years, and I’m not missing it at all. So what do I like watching? On YouTube, mostly travel and […]